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Detail about our services

Duties and Responsibilities

In the reformed Amhara National Regional Government Re-establishment and powers and duties of executive bodies According to Decree No. 28A/2014 Powers and functions of the Treasury; Without prejudice to what has already been prescribed by other laws or will be prescribed in the future, the regional money office will have the following detailed powers and duties; 1. Generates and implements physical policies and strategies that enable the region's economic growth and development to be sustainable and stable, and monitors their implementation. 2. The regional government designs policy frameworks that are the basis for the tax and levy laws it . 3. Develops a system to manage the region's finance, procurement and asset management; It makes it work. Monitors performance, 4. It directs and coordinates the financial and physical relations between the state and the federal government. It ensures that a harmonized system is developed between the two; 5. Prepares and implements the mid-term macroeconomic and physical framework that guides the annual budget preparation of the region. 6. Prepares the budget distribution formula for districts, city administrations and ethnic administrations, allocates their budget share according to the formula. 7.Examines the regular capital budget requests being prepared by the regional government bodies and prepares the annual budget of the regional government offices and manages the approved budget. 8. Maintains and manages the consolidated fund of the region; He prepares a general statement showing the region's financial performance and financial holdings and submits it to the region's government office every season. 9. He signs agreements regarding domestic and foreign grants, loans and projects on behalf of the state government; Monitors and evaluates their performance, closely monitors resources and property from other federal government bodies and non-governmental organizations, supervises, manages and controls all resources entering the region. 10. Provides procurement and disposal services provided by the state government. 11. In any way, the property of the state government and any ownerless property located in the state shall be owned and managed by the state. 12. Establishes an internal audit control system in the region, monitors its performance, and supervises the internal audit system.